Saturday, October 27, 2012


631-993-1039 / 516-659-4716

A Hurricane Is a strong tropical storm forming in a circle shape. Hurricane sandy is expected to mix with the west cold air and become bigger and stronger going towards the northeast area, however in these type of occasions the best thing for you and your family its be protected. Which can make an imminence difference is how ready you are for a natural disaster such as this. Sandy could bring heavy rain, hurricane force wind gusts, power outages, beach erosion and coastal flooding.

FEMA has released steps to follow which recommends to build a kit for your basic necessities during a natural disaster. 

Make sure you know all the shelters located in your area as well. 

FEMA recommends:
Flashlight, Batteries
to turn off utilities such as gas
Local maps
Cell phone with chargers, inverted or solar charger" and only to use them for emergency calls to save battery.
Fill your tank with gas, be ready to evacuate if you have to
For personal use don't forget: 
Water at least 1 gallon per person
Food and provisions for at least  2 days, food needs to be non-perishable such as canned food and dont forget the manual can oppener
First aid kit
Supplies personal sanitation

Never forget important documents, birth certificates, insurance policies, deeds or Id's.

To protect your property close windows & doors, you can board them up with 5'8 plywood.

Make a Family Emergency Plan
FEMA's advicing everyone to make a family plan for emergencies, sharing information like addresses and phone numbers to keep with them at all times. 

last but not least protect your pets!

 Let us know about your experience on our Facebook page linked HERE

To see other tips that can be helpful read our other 2 blogs

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