Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why Trees Fall

631-993-1039 / 516-659-4716

Trees are a very important part of life and necessary for us, they offer benefits and beauty. Many times trees or parts of trees may fall and injure a home or someone. Homeowners are responsible to make the property and environment safe. While there are many possibilities of a tree to fall, only a very small number can actually cause damage but its always better to be safe than sorry.

The best way when you can identify if a tree is a risk is by hiring a profesional but it can also be visible. Trees with time grow uneven and unbalanced but there are ways we can avoid accidents. In aaatreeservice every time we go and give an estimate we realize that most of the times the reason why a tree felt was is because 80% of the tree's total weight was located on the top part of the tree causing the tree to lean to the side and fall. The best way to avoid any danger is to up-keep your trees, maintain them in good conditions and give them a safety prune or a prune back.

If you have any questions or can’t find the service you’re looking for, call AAA so we can answer all of your questions! Also, be sure to visit our Facebook page, linked HERE!


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